Managing servicelevels and making sure your "team on duty" can be reached in an efficient way can be a hassle. Integrated systems for scheduling and telephony can solve your problem. Here's how!
Most of the time however, the response is completely different. In panic, the support desk is contacted and the question is, what should I do? What you would actually prefer is that the virus is immediately rendered and the specific file is placed into quarantine.
When considering security for your ICT infrastructure, it can be hard to know where to start. There is certainly no “one size fits all” solution. The process of implementing several solutions at once impedes user friendliness and ease of management.
It seems like a contradiction to talk about a secure WordPress site. With all the security incidents in recent years with plugins, it can be quite a challenge to keep your site free of unwanted hackers. Nevertheless, at Universal we have found a way.
Jelte Wolf, Cloud Engineer: "As we deploy more smart IT applications, the risk of cybercrime also increases. What do you need to know to prevent this?"
You'd rather not think about it, but what if your company has to deal with failure of ICT systems, what will this do to the continuity of your business? How quickly will you be up and running again, even if you have to fall back on backup data?
In the previous version of the iPhone software iOS 14, users were presented more than 10 updates in a single year. Many of these updates were security-related. How many updates will we receive in the next coming months for the new iOS 15?