Integrate phone system with smart scheduling- using Shifts & Teams

Managing servicelevels and making sure your “team on duty” can be reached in an efficient way can be a challenge. Integrated systems for scheduling and telephony can solve your problem. Here’s how. 

Your team might be working on different devices, from different offices and probably even in more flexible hours than before the pandemic. Overall, research shows that this has led to a productivity boost. But how challenging can it be to optimize the telephone accessibility when your team is working in flexible schedules or standby duty’s.

Phone system that integrates with your team schedules; Teams & Shifts

To be able to optimize service levels, telephony accessibility must dynamically move with this modern way of working. With Microsoft Teams, employees can talk to customers from any device in the office,  from the home office or even on the go. Often, business & private use of smartphones are blended. Not much people prefer to use 2 different phones. Why should you, you can differentiate and secure your business applications anyway.

The downside however is this might result in you  receiving calls when your are online in Teams in your private hours. You want to chill & relax and not receive business calls that need to be answered by your team members on duty. This requires an integrated solution where calls are routed based on presence, appointments, working hours but also advanced options for shifts. 

Control to the end-user

In the past, managing telephony accessibility was often a task of the  IT department. Usually is was IT to configure groups, agents, service times and more so. Nowadays, the responsibility for achieving these high service levels have become a mutual team effort. End-users are in control of their own schedules and tasks, why not follow these schedules with your phone system? The instruments are available, by means of Microsoft 365 Teams & uCallManager. 

With uCallManager, calls can be delivered directly to the end user or sent to a central queue first. Call routing is based on presence. This can all be arranged centrally.

The link between uCallManager and Microsoft 365 Shifts ensures full integration of the office environment with telephony. A visual weekly schedule can be made. This combination of Microsoft Teams and uCallManager brings the ideal combination to arrange the perfect on-duty service. You can even have your employees manage their schedules themselves; making service levels a Team effort. 

Centralized wallboard and extensive reporting

The powerful combination is a flexible system where users can manage their schedules themselves, combined with a real-time and extensive wallboard for managers, teamleaders and supervisors to have insights and control. To finetune, adjust and make sure company targets can be reached.

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