Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams


Direct Routing & Advanced calling options for Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has gradually become indispensable in many organizations. The home office situation has led to significant growth in the number of organizations using Teams for meetings and communicating with each other. Microsoft Teams is therefore already functioning as a business-critical application in many organizations because it is increasingly taking up the central position for communication, collaboration, intranet, and meetings.

High servicelevel in communications is business critical

A logical next step is to embed your telephony platform in Teams as well.  This brings you powerful options to have one single client for all of your communications; calling, chatting, meetings, file sharing, intranet, webchat. This offers you the possibility to centralize the management of your service levels within your organization and provide the necessary insights. After all, a high service level is crucial, especially now that people are working from different locations and customers nowadays expect direct response to their questions and orders. 

An intelligent communication system

The advantage here is that your telephone system will also take into account the availability information in Teams and you won’t have to think about forwarding your phone when you leave your workplace. As a user, you don’t want to think about this. An intelligent communication system does this for you. In addition, Microsoft Teams integrates with your other Microsoft applications such as Exchange, Outlook and Office so that your address book is also available in Teams and your telephony also takes your people’s meetings into account. There’s nothing more annoying than being called while you’re in a meeting. Or a ringing phone on an empty workstation; nowadays that is not done. 

Teams Phone licenses

With Teams Phone licenses, you can deploy Teams as your telephony platform. You can use your company numbers. You can port your phone numbers to Microsoft and purchase a calling plan in the process. However, that’s a no-go for larger organizations or organizations with a need for more flexibility. Then Direct Routing is the solution.

Bring your own trunk

With Universal Direct Routing we will route your phone numbers to Microsoft Teams. You can continue to use your telephony provider. The advantage is that you won’t have to port numbers, that you can keep your current telecom contract and conditions in place, and that you won’t have to purchase expensive calling plans for each and every user. Universal will route your telephone numbers to Teams. And if you do want to switch your telecom provider, Universal offers a worldwide service for phone numbers where we will port your numbers to our network and/or register new phone numbers for you.

Reporting & integration with applications

When using Universal Direct Routing, al lot of  extra features for Teams Calling will be available such as integration with your business applications for caller information to appear in Teams (retrieved from your business application), but also extensive reporting so that service levels will be clear. For customer contact departments, we offer contact center features like advanced routing, integration with Microsoft Shifts and wallboard functions. These are common extensions to Direct Routing provided by our uCallManager platform.


Flexibility is key in communications. Universal is happy to advise about the optimal mix of your communication services. A combination of Microsoft Calling Plans with Direct Routing is of course possible. Ready for advice on how to optimize the communication flows within your organization and ensure a high service level through optimal integration and reporting? Feel free to meet our experts for a free online consult.