How does your company remain reachable? Even remotely?

At present companies and employees must take measures in order to work remotely. How can you make sure you are still reachable?

Business as unusual

It is no longer business as usual, but business as unusual since working remotely is currently more relevant than ever. A trend that has already been there in the past couple of years. The difference is that at present employees are required to work from home as much as possible. This affects all organizations. Why is that? Companies often have different IT infrastructures. There are hybrid organizations, companies that do not work in the Cloud at all, and companies that store everything in the Cloud.


What they all have in common is that they want to maintain the contact with their co-workers and their clients. Reachability is an important issue in every organization. Microsoft Office 365 is a good way to ensure your company’s availability and reachability. Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business and SharePoint are applications to help maintain the reachability of your employees. By means of conference calls and sharing documents through Microsoft Tools, you can work together efficiently.

Telephone system

In addition, a company telephone system also attributes to the reachability of your company. Using your company telephone switchboard enables you to answer the calls while at home. The Office 365 telephone system provides you with a telephone switchboard in the Cloud. It is an extension of the existing Microsoft Office 365 environment. Employees use their computer or mobile phones with Microsoft Office Teams to make or to receive calls. It is also possible to purchase Microsoft Teams telephones. Good to know: Microsoft Office Teams is now available for free for 6 months. For both new and existing customers.

In control

We think you should be in control of your own ICT environment. We therefore apply the slogan: A Touch of Power. Whether this environment is in Azure, a public Cloud, a private Cloud or a hosting provider. It should also be flexible enough to scale up and adjust when required. It is all needed in order to respond to the current changing circumstances of your organization. Especially now during changing times. For years our vision has been to work remotely as much as possible. To us that is business as usual and our core business is Cloud Technology. It only benefits you: we help fast, flexibly and we are transparent. This is the right time to optimize your reachability. To be reachable at all times. We can assist you with tailor-made solutions and advice. Do you also want to be reachable everywhere? Please contact us.

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