OpenAI - ChatGPT - Copilot - what is your best choice?
Copilots and AI assistants
AI sub-areas
- To support employees (internally)
- For the purpose of customer relations (external)
- Private assistance
AI to support employees
This Copilot appears in the browser and can provide assistance in searching for information. It can also be downloaded as a stand-alone app for Apple or Android phones. It is a form of AI that uses publicly available information on the Internet to come up with answers.
This year, Windows PC users will be able to call Copilot directly from their desktop, with the Copilot able to perform basic tasks on a PC. This is already available in certain countries, but there are still some EU privacy issues that need to be worked out before the launch later this spring. Functionalities such as directly translating documents that are currently being worked on or adjusting general settings such as changing your network settings based on your location will then become available.
Where in the beginning of the internet age it was mainly about Information at your fingertips, now AI is at your fingertips.
Security is key
AI to enhance productivity
Artificial Intelligence in customer relations
AI to support your customers
Data is the new goldmine - Semantic Index
For example, the call recording of an application such as uCallManager can be used to convert audio clips and text. This text can be converted into any desired language by language recognition and serve as a source for a Copilot. In this way, data from SQL, SharePoint, OneDrive, Text files on a network Share, Outlook and CRM is combined. A large index of this data (Semantic Index) ensures that the AI can do its job better.
The power of AI lies in the data. This is and remains the property of an organization. All efforts to make this data available to the AI in a secure and accessible manner are the task for the coming period. It is not so much that a choice has to be made for products now, but a plan for the coming years to unlock data. It is important to make use of software that can unlock data with, for example, an API. The danger of data being stored in a vault that no one except a few system administrators can access must be avoided.
Data is the new goldmine for an organization. That promise was already made by Business Intelligence, but is now again within the reach of all users in a different form. It’s only in contrast to real gold that you want everyone in your organization to be able to benefit from data without the danger of unauthorized access, stealing it, or worse, destroying it.
Universal's AI pilots
The extranets with the aim of acting as a self-service portal for customers can get extra added value with AI. Starting small can be a sensible strategy, feeding online Chatbots with company information or even specific customer information when the identity of the user/visitor can be established. These chatbots are located on a website or are linked to a WhatsApp business number, for example. The combination of conversational AI and knowledge of products and/or services make these chatbots valuable digital colleagues that provide better support to customers. For example, they can help answer questions after hours when live agents are not available.
Don't wait and see but start now
In a future blog, we will take a closer look at the various Copilots that are currently available.
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